
Archive for August, 2013

Neymar faz primeiro gol com a camisa do Barcelona, que goleia Tailândia

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment



Craque brasileiro começou como titular pela primeira vez e fez boas jogadas em parceria com Lionel Messi 

PUBLICADO EM 07/08/13 – 11h38
Na estreia como titular, Neymar fez seu primeiro gol pelo Barcelona nesta quarta-feira, ao disputar os 45 minutos iniciais da goleada por 7 a 1 sobre a seleção da Tailândia, em amistoso disputado em Bangcoc. Em seu terceiro jogo com a camisa do clube espanhol, o atacante brasileiro também começou a se entender com o astro argentino Messi, com quem buscou fazer algumas jogadas diante dos tailandeses.
Até então, Neymar tinha participado de dois amistosos na pré-temporada do Barcelona. Entrou nos 15 minutos finais do empate por 2 a 2 com o Lechia Gdansk, na Polônia, e disputou todo o segundo tempo da goleada por 8 a 0 sobre o Santos no Camp Nou. Nas duas ocasiões, ele não conseguiu marcar gol e jogou pouco tempo com Messi – foram apenas 16 minutos no massacre diante do time santista.
Nesta quarta-feira, porém, o técnico argentino Gerardo Martino escalou Messi e Neymar juntos pela primeira vez. Assim, a dupla de astros começou a se entrosar em campo, buscando algumas jogadas durante a etapa inicial do amistoso em Bangcoc. E, diante de um adversário frágil como a Tailândia, apenas a 138ª colocada no ranking de seleções da Fifa, não tiveram muito trabalho.
Neymar foi o responsável por abrir o placar no amistoso em Bangcoc. Logo aos 11 minutos, Messi tabelou com Pedro e acionou Fàbregas, que, em posição duvidosa dentro da área, só rolou para o atacante brasileiro fazer 1 a 0. Foi o primeiro gol do jovem astro de 21 anos com a camisa do seu novo clube, e também foi o começo da impiedosa goleada do Barcelona sobre a seleção da Tailândia.
O Barcelona fez mais quatro gols no primeiro tempo, sempre com participação de Messi. Ele próprio marcou dois, em cobrança de pênalti aos 13 minutos e após passe do lateral brasileiro Adriano aos 24. E o argentino ainda deu passe para os outros dois, ambos marcados por Pedro, aos 18 e aos 34. Já aos 41, a Tailândia diminuiu com Dangda, que bateu pênalti cometido pelo zagueiro francês Bagnack.
Ainda se recuperando de uma anemia, que, segundo o Barcelona, é algo natural após a cirurgia para retirada das amígdalas e não o impede de trabalhar normalmente, Neymar deixou o amistoso no intervalo – o chileno Alexis Sánchez entrou em seu lugar. Junto com ele, o técnico também tirou Messi, Daniel Alves e Piqué. Em compensação, entraram astros como Xavi, Busquets e Iniesta no Barcelona.
No segundo tempo, porém, o Barcelona diminuiu o ritmo. Já sem Neymar e Messi, o time espanhol preferiu ficar tocando bola, sem pressa ou agressividade, e marcou apenas mais dois gols. E saíram logo no começo, com Pedro, aos dois minutos, e Alexis Sánchez, aos três. Assim, venceu a Tailândia por 7 a 1. Agora, o próximo amistoso é no sábado, contra um combinado da Malásia, em Kuala Lumpur.

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Neymar sufre de anemia, pero no precisamente de gol

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Neymar sufre de anemia, pero no precisamente de gol 

Neymar, quien sufre de anemia luego de una cirugía que le practicaron tras la Copa de las Confederaciones, en junio, anotó ayer su primer gol con el Barcelona.

El brasileño, de 21 años, abrió la cuenta, a los 11 minutos, en el 7-1 que el club español le propinó a la Selección de Tailandia en un partido amistoso en Bangkok.

El ariete, que estuvo acompañado en el frente de ataque por Messi (aportó 2 tantos) y Pedro Rodríguez (3), remató después de recibir un pase de Cesc Fábregas.El chileno Alexis Sánchez hizo el otro.

El gol de Tailandia lo consiguió el delantero Teerasil Dangda, de tiro penal, antes del descanso.

“Los amistosos como este me ayudan a ver diferentes posibilidades, variaciones, pero claramente la idea es que (Neymar) progrese”, dijo el técnico del Barça,Gerardo Tata Martino, al agregar que “desde el partido contra el Santos a hoy ha mejorado”.

“La relación entre los dos (Messi y Neymar) es lo que más llama la atención. Se entienden bien, marcaron, pero también conectaron con el resto de jugadores”.

Apenas el domingo el club ibérico había revelado que su nuevo delantero recibe tratamiento por anemia, pero aclaró que eso no detendría su participación en los entrenamientos y partidos de pretemporada.

El actual campeón del fútbol español agregó que el caso de anemia de Neymar se debe a una operación de amígdalas a la que se sometió después de ganar la Copa Confederaciones en junio con la selección brasileña

El Barça comenzó con el joven Frank Bagnack junto a Gerard Piqué en la defensa central, donde el equipo catalán intenta buscar soluciones para ayudar a cubrir al veterano Carles Puyol, muy propenso a lesiones.

El Barcelona viaja hoy a Malasia para disputar otro amistoso en Kuala Lumpur el sábado, antes de volver a España para acabar los preparativos para el comienzo de la Liga y el partido inaugural ante el Levante, el 18 de agosto.

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Neymar abre el triunfo del Barça en Tailandia

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Neymar controla el balón ante el tailandés Wannasri.  

Martino señala tras la goleada que «el equipo tiene hambre »

08.08.2013 | 09:28

Agencias El Barcelona se impuso por 1-7 a la débil selección tailandesa durante su cuarto partido de pretemporada en el que se estrenó como goleador su último fichaje, Neymar. El brasileño fue precisamente quien abrió el marcador con un remate dentro del área tras pase de Cesc.
El brasileño, que coincidía por primera vez en el once inicial con el argentino Messi, fue uno de los jugadores más destacados del Barcelona y levantó más de una vez al público de sus asientos con sus destellos de calidad.
Después los goles, hasta cinco, fueron cayendo para los azulgrana en una primera parte muy completa para decaer en la segunda. Tanto Messi como Neymar fueron sustituidos en el descanso.
Al término del partido Tata Martino, el entrenador del Barcelona, manifestó que «hemos presionado bien, hemos tenido el balón y hemos atacado rápido. No nos acomodamos al rival, hemos tenido ambición de ganar el partido. Aparte de la opinión que nos merezca el rival está claro que el equipo tiene hambre». Martino añadió sobre Neymar y Messi que no habrá problemas para hacer coincidir en el once al argentino y al brasileño. «Siempre he pensado que son jugadores que se complementarían muy bien. Uno por la banda y el otro centrado. Se sienten a gusto, salta a la vista», djo el técnico.
El Barcelona por otro lado ha hecho una oferta al Chelsea por el defensa central David Luiz, por importe de 40 millones, y está a la espera de la respuesta del equipo londinense.

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Neymar y Messi, la mejor dupla atacante

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Neymar y Messi, la mejor dupla atacante

Messi y Neymar han sido considerados la mejor pareja ofensiva. Según los internautas , el argentino y el brasileño son, con un 38,4 por ciento de los votos, la mejor delantera de Viejo Continente. Cristiano y Benzema, les siguen de cerca.
Para los votantes de la encuesta a la mejor pareja de delanteros, el Barcelona del ‘Tata’ Martino goza de una magnífica dupla con Neymar y Messi. Ambos jugadores lideraron la votación con un 38,4 por ciento. No obstante, la ventaja con respecto al segundo no es ni mucho menos holgada. Los delanteros del Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo-Benzema, les siguen con un 35,7.
Independientemente de la rivalidad entre Real Madrid y Barcelona en los votos, Ibrahimovic y Cavani, ‘killers’ del PSG, se encuentra en el tercer lugar con un 9,7 por ciento, una diferencia abultada con respecto a los equipos españoles.
Por parte del Atlético de Madrid, la pareja Diego Costa y David Villa se encuentra en la quinta plaza con un 3,1 por ciento, detrás de la formada por el Mónaco por James Rodríguez y Radamel Falcao (4,5%).

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Neymar anota en goleada a Tailandia

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

El futbolista argentino del FC Barcelona Lionel Messi (i) celebra con sus compañero Neymar (d) un tanto marcado durante un partido amistoso que el equipo disputó contra la selección tailandesa, en el Estadio Nacional de Rajamangala, en Bangkok.—(EFE)

Miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013 – 12:49 pm En: Deportes , Fútbol internacional
Barcelona gana 7-1
El futbolista argentino del FC Barcelona Lionel Messi (i) celebra con sus compañero Neymar (d) un tanto marcado durante un partido amistoso que el equipo disputó contra la selección tailandesa, en el Estadio Nacional de Rajamangala, en Bangkok.—(EFE)
BANGKOK (Notimex).– FC Barcelona goleó a la Selección de Tailandia por 7-1 en lo que fue su cuarto partido de pretemporada y en donde pudo verse por primera vez juntos desde el inicio al argentino Lionel Messi y al brasileño Neymar da Silva, quien marcó su primer gol con la camiseta blaugrana.
Con anotación de ‘Ney’ a los 12 minutos, el equipo catalán abrió el marcador a su favor en el duelo amistoso disputado en el Rajamangala Stadium, tras culminar una jugada entre Messi y Cesc Fábregas, quienes se mantuvieron muy activos a lo largo del encuentro.
El equipo dirigido por el argentino Gerardo ‘Tata’ Martino, adelantó filas para que dos minutos más tarde ‘Leo’ ampliara la ventaja tras cobrar acertadamente un penalti derivado de un empujón que le cometió Daosawang.
A pesar del calor y la ventaja, el Barça no cruzó los brazos y siguió yendo al frente, por lo que no tardó en llegar el 0-3 por parte Pedro Rodríguez, quien con un potente disparo aprovechó el pase de Lionel para vencer al guardameta Hathairattanakool.
Los goles del conjunto español continuaron llegando gracias al talento de Rodríguez, quien culminó con tres anotaciones para su cuenta personal, seguido por ‘La Pulga’, quien sacudió la red de la portería rival en dos ocasiones.
El único tanto de Tailandia fue por parte de su delantero Teerasil Dangda, quien descontó en el marcador antes del término de la primera mitad, tras superar al arquero Valdés desde el manchón penal.
Ya con amplia ventaja de 5-1 para el segundo tiempo, al Barcelona le basto con una anotación de Pedro y otra más del chileno Alexis Sánchez a los 48´, para sellar la goliza.
Fuera del holgado resultado obtenido, el juego sirvió para que el técnico de los catalanes probara por primera vez juntos en el terreno de juego a Messi y Neymar, de quienes se esperan grandes cosas a su regreso de la gira asiática que culminará el próximo sábado en Kuala Lumpur, ante un combinado de la Liga de Malasia.

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Neymar gritó uno, Messi dos y el Barça siete

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Primero del brasileño en su nuevo equipo.
Bangkok. DPA Y Especial. – 08/08/13
El Barcelona de Gerardo Martino sigue pareciéndose a una máquina de goles y de fútbol. Venía de hacerle ocho al Santos de Brasil, en el Camp Nou, para ganar el Trofeo Gamper; ayer le marcó siete al seleccionado de Tailandia (puesto 138 del ranking de la FIFA). Es cierto que se trata de partidos de pretemporada; pero también es cierto que el equipo juega de modo inmejorable. El 7-1 fue un paseo con sello sudamericano: el crack rosarino Lionel Messi marcó dos tantos, uno hizo el brasileño Neymar -en el día de su primer grito- y otro el chileno Alexis Sánchez. La goleada se completó con un triplete del español Pedro Rodríguez.
El tanto de Neymar fue el detalle más destacado del encuentro. el grito sagradosucedió a los 12 minutos tras un pase de Cesc Fábregas.
“Hicimos un buen partido. Insisto en lo que dije el otro día, hemos presionado bien, hemos tenido el balón y hemos atacado rápido. No nos acomodamos al rival, hemos tenido ambición de ganar el partido. Está claro que el equipo tiene hambre”. señaló Gerardo Martino. También elogió la sociedad entre Messi y Neymar. “Son complementarios. Y pueden jugar perfectamente juntos”, explicó.
El tailandés Dangda, de penal, marcó el único gol local, a los 42 minutos. Fue el momento más feliz para el estadio Nacional de Rajamangala, en Bangkok, que estaba vestido de fiesta y en el que había 48.112 espectadores.
La única mala noticia para el Barcelona fue el golpe en el gemelo derecho que sufrió Pedro, quien está en duda para el próximo partido de la gira, ante Malasia, el sábado, en Kuala Lumpur. A ocho días del debut en la Liga ante Levante, Barcelona luce impecable.

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Assessing Neymar’s Performance for Barcelona vs. Thailand

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment



Nick Akerman

(Featured Columnist) on August 7, 2013 

Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images
Neymar graced the Camp Nou for his home debut in the 2 August Joan Gamper Trophy thrashing of Santos , and with little time to breathe between appearances, the Brazilian joined the rest of Barcelona’s squad for a whistle-stop tour of Asia.
Gerardo Martino handed the €55 million man his first start in the game against Thailand XI. La Blaugrana supporters witnessed around 15 minutes of the much-anticipated Neymar/Lionel Messi combination in the 8-0 walloping of Santos, so this preseason friendly would see the South American favourites start together for the very first time.
How would Neymar fit in alongside his Argentinian colleague?
He started to the left of a three-pronged attack, with Messi in the centre and Pedro coming in from the right. Barca fans may have been itching to see more of Alexis Sanchez after a terrific performance in the Gamper match, but for the first half, had to make do with three players who are likely to define the coming La Liga season.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

It didn’t take long for Barcelona to thrust their Thai opponents to the sword.Despite an energetic and committed opening from the Bangkok hosts, Neymar directed a low Cesc Fabregas cross beyond the goalkeeper with just 13 minutes on the clock.
Incisive work from Messi set the move rolling, and with Fabregas’ accurate pass, Neymar was gifted an easy finish. The home side tried their utmost to halt Barcelona’s attack from here on in, but the Spanish champions quickly settled into a breakneck speed that favoured cut-throat attacking moves alongside the retention of possession.
Thailand offered little physical resistance, but halted Neymar with a barge to the back after quarter of an hour.
Barca added two more goals in the next five minutes, with Messi firing home a penalty and Pedro slamming a ferocious shot past Sinthaweechai Hathairattanakool from inside the box. Neymar’s dart towards the centre started the move for Barca’s third, with some excellent work from Messi eventually landing at the feet of Pedro, who brilliantly thrashed the ball into an overworked net.
Neymar continued to take up positions towards the left of the box and may have felt he deserved a penalty during the match. He fell to the ground easily in the opening minutes, but was perhaps a tad unlucky to not receive a spot-kick later in the half.
The starlet chested Messi’s looping ball inside the area and was pushed to the ground by a Thai defence that already looked tired at this stage. Neymar let his weight drop easily, though contact was made.
Further goals from Messi and Pedro, plus a consolation penalty from Teerasil Dangda, saw Martino’s men enter the break with a 5-1 lead.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Neymar was one of eight players hauled off during the interval. The discovery of an anaemia disorder, as reported by John Drayton of the Daily Mail , may have had an impact on the decision. It’s more likely the new boss wanted to give others a run, with players such as Sanchez, Andres Iniesta and Xavi coming into play.
Barcelona fans can take great heart from Neymar’s first start for the club. As with his performance against Santos, he once again showed great willingness to fit into the team’s era-defining style of play.
Although one stunning dribble got the crowd wooing inside the first five minutes, Neymar played thoughtfully and without the need to set the world alight with a continuous showing of mesmerising skill.
As with every other player at the Camp Nou, Neymar opted to fulfill simple duties before turning on the fireworks. Thai bodies put him under great pressure when receiving the ball—something he will have to get used to in Spain—but his short passing and ability to cut inside aided Barca’s quest to take control.
While one or two crosses failed to find their mark, Neymar is going about his European career in the right way. The player should be applauded for his determination to slot in seamlessly, a feat that will only be achieved by putting individual flair on the back burner.
Neymar’s 45 minutes on the pitch saw a number of brilliant links with Messi and Pedro, suggesting it won’t be long before he feels totally comfortable and his explosiveness begins to reappear.

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Neymar scores first for club in Barca romp

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Neymar scores first for club in Barca romp  - Football - Liga

on 08/08/2013 at 01:29, updated on 08/08/2013 at 02:44

Brazil forward Neymar scored his first goal for Barcelona as the Spanish champions hammered a Thailand XI 7-1 in a friendly.


The 57 million-euro (£49 million) signing from Santos opened the scoring after only 11 minutes, nudging home a low cross from Cesc Fabregas in front of a crowd of just over 48,000.
He started in a front three with world player of the year Lionel Messi , who scored twice, and Spain forward Pedro, who hit a hat-trick.
“Friendly games like these help me to see different possibilities, variations, but clearly the idea is that he (Neymar) progresses,” new Barca coach Gerardo ‘Tata’ Martino told a news conference.
“From the game against Santos to today he has improved.
“The link-up between the two (Messi and Neymar) is what most caught the eye.They connected well, they scored, but they also linked up well with the other players.
In-form Chilean forward Alexis Sanchez scored Barca’s seventh as a second-half substitute.
Thailand’s goal was netted by forward Teerasil Dangda from the penalty spot just before halftime.
Barca started with youth-team defender Frank Bagnack alongside Gerard Pique at centre back as they continue their search for solutions to help cover for the ageing and injury-prone Carles Puyol .
Earlier in the day, media reports said Barca had made an official offer for Chelsea‘s Brazilian defender David Luiz .
“I am in Thailand, I don’t know about any negotiations that may be taking place,” Martino said when asked about the interest in Luiz.
“Bagnack needs to train with us more, with the older players, and copy them. I need to see more of him but with the little time I have had with him, he has raised expectations.
Barca play another friendly, against a Malaysia XI in Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday before returning to Spain to finish their preparations for the start of the La Liga season, and their opening match at home to Levante on August 18.
Barcelona team: Valdes, Pique, Fabregas, Pedro, Messi, Neymar, Song, Adriano,Dani Alves Sergi Roberto , Bagnack. Subs: Pinto, Xavi, Iniesta, Sergio, Bartra, Montoya, Mascherano, Alexis, Dongou and Alba.

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Neymar scores first goal for Barca in Thailand friendly

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Barcelona's Neymar (R) fights for the ball with Thailand's Puttinan Wannasri during their friendly soccer match at Rajamangala national stadium in Bangkok August 7, 2013. REUTERS/Kerek Wongsa

Barcelona’s Neymar (R) fights for the ball with Thailand’s Puttinan Wannasri during their friendly soccer match at Rajamangala national stadium in Bangkok August 7, 2013. REUTERS/Kerek Wongsa
MADRID (Reuters) – Brazil forward Neymar scored his first goal for Barcelona as the Spanish champions hammered a Thailand XI 7-1 in a friendly in Bangkok on Wednesday.
The 57 million-euro signing from Santos opened the scoring after only 11 minutes, nudging home a low cross from Cesc Fabregas in front of a crowd of just over 48,000.
He started in a front three with world player of the year Lionel Messi, who scored twice, and Spain forward Pedro, who hit a hat-trick.
“Friendly games like these help me to see different possibilities, variations, but clearly the idea is that he (Neymar) progresses,” new Barca coach Gerardo ‘Tata’ Martino told a news conference.
“From the game against Santos to today he has improved.
“The link-up between the two (Messi and Neymar) is what most caught the eye.They connected well, they scored, but they also linked up well with the other players.
In-form Chilean forward Alexis Sanchez scored Barca’s seventh as a second-half substitute.
Thailand’s goal was netted by forward Teerasil Dangda from the penalty spot just before halftime.
Barca started with youth-team defender Frank Bagnack alongside Gerard Pique at centre back as they continue their search for solutions to help cover for the ageing and injury-prone Carles Puyol.
Earlier in the day, media reports said Barca had made an official offer for Chelsea’s Brazilian defender David Luiz.
“I am in Thailand, I don’t know about any negotiations that may be taking place,” Martino said when asked about the interest in Luiz.
“Bagnack needs to train with us more, with the older players, and copy them. I need to see more of him but with the little time I have had with him, he has raised expectations.
Barca play another friendly, against a Malaysia XI in Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday before returning to Spain to finish their preparations for the start of the La Liga season, and their opening match at home to Levante on Aug 18.

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Neymar bags first Barca goal in Thai rout

August 8, 2013 Leave a comment

Neymar bags first Barca goal in Thai rout
By Aidan Jones (AFP) – 12 hours ago 
BANGKOK — Brazilian wonderkid Neymar scored his first goal in Barcelona colours as the Catalan giants swatted aside Thailand 1-7 in a friendly in Bangkok on Wednesday.
Spain international Pedro notched a neat hat-trick, while Argentine superstar Lionel Messi scored a brace — including one from the penalty spot — in a first half appearance that draw screams of adulation from the near 50,000-capacity crowd at Bangkok’s Rajamangala stadium.
Alexis Sanchez scored the visitor’s seventh and final goal as a second half substitute as new manager Gerardo Martino watched his charges cruise to a routine win over a plucky but callow Thai side.
Thailand’s star striker Teerasil Dangda scored a consolation penalty in the last minute of the first-half following a bungled recovery tackle by young Cameroonian centre-half Frank Bagnack.
But all eyes were on Barca’s flamboyant new signing Neymar, who was this week reportedly been diagnosed with anaemia, and his partnership up front with four-time world player of the year Messi.
Martino said the pair will compliment each other, as Barca look to a reshaped front line to spearhead a defence of their La Liga crown and banish last season’s Champions League humbling by Bayern Munich.
“They (Messi and Neymar) are different players but I think they showed a good understanding today,” the former Paraguay coach told reporters. “They found each other well.
The Blaugrana’s 57 million euros ($75.7 million, £49.5 million) headline summer signing showed no sign of his apparent blood illness in a lively 45 minutes, the highlight of which was his landmark goal from close range on 12 minutes, sparking the rout as Barca cruised to a 1-5 half-time lead.
But it was Cesc Fabregas, the subject of a major transfer bid from Manchester United, was at the heart of Barca’s best moves, his metronomic passing from the left side of the three-man midfield reminding spectators why the club are so keen to keep the playmaker.
Martino said the graduate of the team’s fabled La Masia academy was going nowhere, despite United’s very public courting of his creative services.
“Fabregas is still here with us... he is staying with us right now, he will stay with us for the rest of the year,” he said, dismissing talk of a transfer.
The second half saw Barca’s first choice trio of Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Sergio Busquets replace Alex Song and highly-regarded youngster Sergi Roberto, who is tipped to make up for the loss of Thiago Alacantra to Bayern.
Fabregas pushed up into the front three as Messi and Neymar also made way.
Xavi immediately stepped up the tempo, floating passes across the pitch and bouncing the ball off Fabregas before the younger man withdrew with 20 minutes to play.
Earlier, Pedro completed his hat-trick with a nicely taken first-time lob on 47 minutes, which Sanchez followed a minute later, tapping home another sweeping Barca move.
Barca are the fourth big name side to travel to Bangkok this summer hot on the heels of English Premier League giants Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool who have all toured the kingdom.
The Catalan side return to Asia three years after their last tour of the football-mad continent — home to a massive fan base and huge potential sums in sponsorship.
The tour is also final chance for Martino to assess his players in official friendly action before they start their La Liga defence on August 18.
Barca travel to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday to play a Malaysia XI on August 10.

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